
Hifzul Quran
User Manual


Shows list of surah and also memorizing progress.

  • Progress percentage is counted by dividing number of verse memorized with number of verse of specific surah and for the entire surah.
  • Ayah progress count can be added by checking 'memorized' in Memorizing page or you can add multiple ayah by clicking 'overall' card.
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Shows option for self review feature.

  • Set first and last surah and verse in range
  • See previously finished self reviews
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Shows option for random test and previously finished test.

  • Set first and last surah in range.
  • Basic level : next and previous ayah.
  • Advanced level : basic level plus select surah and ayah number by ayah text and select ayah text by surah and ayah number.
  • See previously finished test.
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Memorizing - Manual Mode

Used to focus in a single verse.

  • Set number of 'each ayah' repetition
  • Select 6 different reciters.
  • Mark verse as memorized.
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Example 1

If you want to memorize ayah number 2 with 23 times repetition then you can use Manual mode. Set ayah to number 2 by clicking next arrow or clicking ayah number then type 2. Then set 'each ayah' repetition to 23. Choose reciter you like and start. If you have downloaded it before then the player will autommatically start, else it will promt you to download it first. (Memorizing - Manual Mode)

Memorizing - Auto Mode

Used to autommatically play more than single verse.

  • Specify ayah range.
  • Set number of 'with previous ayah' repetition.
  • Set number of 'range' repetition. Used as number of repetition for all settings above (ayah range, each ayah, and with previous ayah).
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Example 2

If you want to memorize from ayah 16 to 30 with each ayah repetition 99 times and with previous ayah repetition twice and all that settings 6 times repetition then you can use Autommatic mode. Set range (in top left) to number 16 and 30. Then set 'each ayah' to 99. Then set 'with previous ayah' to 2. Then set 'range' to 6. Choose reciter you like and start. (Memorizing - Auto Mode)

It will play ayah 16 for 99 times, then ayah 17 for 99 times, then ayah 16 and 17 twice, then ayah 18 for 99 times, then ayah 17 and 18 twice, and just like that until ayah 29 and 30 twice then stop.

Add multiple ayah as memorized

Used to add all previously memorized ayah without need to manually check 'memorized' for each ayah.

  • On Memorize tab, click 'overall' card. Then this tab will be opened.
  • Set first surah and ayah to be marked
  • Set last surah and ayah to be marked
  • All ayah between that range will be added to memorizing progress.
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